Friday, May 27, 2011

What's been up lately...

I've been sitting here trying to think about what all I want or need to blog about but so many other things keep running through my head.
Let's see I guess I could start with things that have happened since Mother's Day since that was the last blog I wrote other than the book reviews.
Well on Friday the 13th Lily came up from Lawton, OK with her son to visit and spend time with her daughter here at our house.  Sunday I woke up shortly after they left with a sore throat and have been sick ever since.

On the 21st we had some bad storms come through.   Here's some pics of the sky and hail we had. 

But we're all okay and nothing too bad happened.  Other places got hit pretty bad with tornadoes and hail and just high winds though.  My heart goes out to all those in Joplin, MO who lost everything and to the loved ones of those who were killed due to the tornado.

Throughout the last few weeks I had been re-reading a couple books of one of my new favorite authors Mari Mancusi.  She was working on putting her first two books of the blood coven vampire novels into one book for a new release and asked us fans on Facebook for some editing help, if we knew of any errors or whatnot.  I was more than happy to be able to do that since I was already reading them again anyway.  That's part of why I posted my book reviews on here in blogs, to spread the word about her books and to earn points to level up in the Blood Coven University on Facebook.  She's a pretty cool, down to earth writer and really takes time to interact with her fans.  I like it when famous people don't forget about us little people that rely on them for entertainment in our dull lives.  Anyway for helping her she's sending me an advanced copy of her new book that's being released in August, Blood Ties.  I can't wait to get it and read it!!!  I'll also be getting my prize for leveling up in BCU as well and I can't wait to see what it is!  I'll take pics of everything when I get it and post them in a new blog.
So let's see what else has been going on.....hmmmm......Oh Mom and her twin sister (my Aunt Carolyn) just had a birthday it was the 23rd.  Other than more storms nothing much has happened.

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