So here I am yet again trying to decide what to do in my life, where I want it to go, who I want to be a part of it, and trying to figure out why I seem to keep repeating the same mistakes, and when will things go right for me for a change.
Some of you might think that I think way too much, and well maybe that is true but that’s just how I have always been and I don’t see that ever changing. I can see why people think this and why it concerns them because since I tend to think so much I also tend to worry about things more and stress out even more as a result of it all. I get frustrated with things very easily and lack the patience that is needed to just deal with everyday life.
I’m not sure how I can explain the complexity that is me. Okay maybe I’m not really that complex but I know I’m a strange and unique individual, some people may have some similar qualities as me but none are exactly like me or ever will be. So to try to explain how my mind works is a hard thing to do. People have gut instincts or use rationalization in their thinking and such, but for me sometimes it’s just something I know, can’t explain how or why I do but I just do. It’s not quite a psychic ability really, at least I don’t see it that way, I just have this strange ability to be able to read a person and a situation and can usually “predict” how it will work or turn out. But all this seems to only work for everyone but me, I can’t seem to “predict” what is going to happen with me, or how things with play out in my own life. This makes it even more frustrating to me because even when I do think I might have that feeling deep in my gut about something or someone it’s usually too late by then for me to do anything about it. I suck at doing the right thing in my life I guess and that’s the most frustrating thing of all. Lots of times all the gut instincts, rational thinking, people and situation reading just doesn’t work for me so I end up hurt and miserable and not knowing what could have been done to prevent it.
I know life isn’t easy for everyone, and it’s never been easy for me, never will be either. We all have our ups and downs, and some like me have had more downs than ups but we all get through it in our own ways. My way is just trying to be able to go a whole day without feeling like I want to cry for hours when things aren’t going good for me. I try to just ignore what I’m feeling a lot of the time and stick my head into reading, or watching tv, or listening to music and pretend I have this great life that I will never have.
I’m not saying that God dealt me the worst hand of cards ever but maybe not the greatest one and it’s hard to know what I need to do with them to be able to come out on top or at least break even in this game of life.
So here I am 36 years old and still trying to ponder the meaning of life. Well maybe not so much the meaning of life itself, but the meaning of my life is probably more accurate. I don’t know what my life means in this world, what I’m supposed to be doing with it, if I’m already doing what I’m supposed to be doing or all I can be doing, who is meant to be in my life or if I’m missing some people that are key players in it. Will I ever feel fulfilled in my life? Will I ever find that one man I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with? Will I ever get married? What is in store for me in the future, and will it make me happy finally? There’s just way too many questions to ever find all the answers to and I can’t keep going on driving myself crazier trying to figure out what I’ll probably never be able to. Plain and simple, I’m completely lost in my life and don’t know what to do.
I really believe that someday you will figure it all out. One of these days it'll be like a smack in the forehead. LOL
There's one thing I do know, we were definitely meant to know each other. *HUGZ* Love you, girlie!
I pray you're right sissy. But as far as I can see into the future it's all still crappy and confusing. Wish dreams could come true because then I'd be happy and so would everyone I love. I am very glad I have you and Jenn and Mom or I probably wouldn't be around anymore. *HUGS* Love you too sisserz! <3
Let me just say that I know where you're coming from. The difference is I can't look around and read a situation then tell how it will play out.
I don't know what my life is about either. For the past nine years, all I have done is taken care of someone else. I don't even know how to take care of ME anymore-which is why I look like crap all the time (just sayin lol). It's amazing.. most of my friends have kids, the majority of them have multiple kids like myself but they still manage to take care of themselves. They dress cute everyday, do their hair and make up every morning.. WHERE in the hell do they find the time and energy? What secret did I miss?
I had one of many melt downs today.. I foresee a lot more. It's a long story and I'm sure I'll tell you about it sometime but for now, just know you're not alone.
Love you!
Love you too sissaroo! And as for the meltdowns well I tend to have one about once a month anymore it seems. It's rare for me to get all dolled up or even get out of my pjs so I kinda know how you feel but for a very different reason. I just can't ever let anyone know everything I think or feel or do because if I did I'd been in the looney bin for sure enjoying my nice white padded cell and straight jacket.
Puh-ray-zuh Gawwd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to live in Topeka, KS!!!!!!!!!!
Now living in lowwNce (spelled gramatically),
33.3 miles east (used to mountain bike there).
Small world. Meet me Upstairs, dear.
Let's gitta BIG-OL-BEER 'n party-hardy.
Cya, miss gorgeous...
I. Love. You. Two.
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