Monday, June 14, 2004


Well come to find out it wasn't just the power supply that blew up, it also wiped out my entire main harddrive. I was performing the defragmentation of both drives and apparently it was still defraging the main harddrive when the power supply blew up. So I'm having to format my slave harddrive and hopefully we can still save what was the main one and use it for a slave. *crosses her fingers and prays that this all works out*
To top that all off I had to deal with my annoying ass spoiled brat of a niece today. Thank God mom and I had to leave this afternoon for her doctor appointment and to get gas for the lawnmower and run another errand. I was about ready to kill that child. She kept ringing the damn doorbell like 15 times in a row which was driving the dogs nuts and making them bark their heads off. Then she was wanting to chase them around and Peyton doesn't like kids as it is since she was abused by a little kid before I got her. After that she didn't wanna listen to or obey my mom so I of course had to step in and yell at her to stop what she was doing and start listening to "nanna" or I was going to spank her ass. That child needs some major discipline in her life. Just because her parents got divorced is not a reason to let her run their lives and do as she pleases and boss people around like she does now.
Welp I'm gonna go check on the process of my computer now. Hopefully we'll have it running tonight.

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