Saturday, June 26, 2004

Welcome to my hell...

Well for those of you wanting to know the names of the guys I was talking about here you go... Bachelor #1 is Tony, which I just found out this morning is more interested in my cousin Becca than me so he's out of the running now. Bachelor #2 is my ex Scott who I'm still hoping to get back with even though I know it will never ever happen. And last but certainly not least, Bachelor #3 is Anthony which made it pretty clear last night that he wants my cousin Becca too so of course he's out of the running as well. So now that I'm down to one guy I know I'll never have again I've realized I'm better off being a hermit and single the rest of my life. Picture me 50 years old, a bitter hag with her dog Peyton because that's exactly how it will be. If I could drink I'd be dunker than shit right now to dull the pain and backstabbing that's been done.
I so need a new life and if I could I'd move away from this HELL and start a new one. Well I will not be on Yahoo for a few weeks probably so if you've been keeping up with this you'll know why. It's just too painful to be on there right now.
Welp I'm gonna go cry some more so bye.

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