Sunday, October 15, 2006

It's been 6 years...

  • |10/15/2006 12:10 pm

Well Friday the 13th was 6 years to the exact day that I was in the hospital having my hysterectomy to get rid of the cervical and uteran cancer I had. I think it was a bit harder for me this time around because it was Friday the 13th when I had it done but also because my friend Lily is pregnant now too and it just makes me remember what was ripped away from me. I'm not saying that I really want kids now, I dealt with that when I had to make the decision to have the hysterectomy or take my chances not knowing how long I may have had and how fast the cancer was growing. I think it's just hard I guess because I always wanted to be pregnant and have my own child or help a family who wanted a child and couldn't have one themselves but God had other plans for me. I am glad I don't have any kids right now and I'm happy I can't get pregnant but at times there's still that desire in the back of my mind. I know it's harder because I've had to deal with so much grief and stress this year already but I'll survive and work through it and eventually I'll be ok.

Take care everyone! And remember, never take life for granted because you never know when something can happen that will totally change or rearrange your life.

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