Sunday, July 18, 2004

Rob Peter to pay Paul...

Well Lily strikes again.  This time she got my parents account number and paid her Cox cable bill online which came to $285.11 which my parents don't have.  She said she did it but that she had permission from Monte (which wasn't true) and that it was only supposed to be $60.  Monte told her if she didn't have that money back by Monday he's calling the cops Tuesday and having her arrested for fraud and theft because she also stole a check from mom's checkbook.  She wanted to talk to me on the phone and I told mom I wasn't talking to the lying thief, mom told her and she said she still wanted to talk to me so I let her have it.  I asked her how in the hell she could do this to them after all they've done for her in the past and knowing they can't afford anything and even after taking $400 from them 3 years ago which I almost got blamed for until they figured it out not to mention all the times she's taken cash from Monte's wallet without his permission too on top of that she still owes them $300 for other things they helped her out with then I just hung up on her and mom was still talking to her.  I was so close to calling the cops myself or going down there and punching her in her big ass lying mouth.  God I'm so sick of her shit, she will learn one of these days and I hope it's Tuesday when they haul her ass off to jail.
***Listening to Ludacris Ft. Trina,Foxy Brown - Whats Your Fantasy (Remix)***
On another note...I guess I'm back to going to Chasers again on Thursday nights, at least it's a way to get out and see some of my bar friends and I get to see Josh when he's playing pool out there too.  I know, I know I'm just a gluten for punishment when it comes to Josh because I get the vibe that he doesn't even really wanna be friends with me now even after all that had happened between us.  I think he's just playing nice to be civil for our mutual friends.  But alas I still want him.  I'm a stubborn one and always have been.  I just wish those mutual friends would help me out on this one and find out info on what he wants with me or doesn't want.  Oh well.
***Listening to Lords of Acid - our little secret - pussy***
I'm still a bit upset with Becca because I keep getting pushed aside when it comes to hanging out on the weekends.  I'm sure she knows that when she's out with Anthony that his friends will be there too and yet she still doesn't invite me to come along.  Guess I know where I stand now but I have a feeling once Anthony officially moves she'll be wanting to hang with me again.  (If you're reading this Becca it's how I really feel and you know I'm not one to say it outloud.)
***listening to Pink - You Make Me Sick (Ultimix)***
Well it's time for lunch so I'll end this now. 

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