Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Hmmm...What to discuss?... Not really sure, nothing too exciting has happened most of this weekend. Sunday was fairly shitty as I stated in my previous blog. Monday was very uneventful and it looks like today will be the same. Although at some point today I'm going to go to Fine Line and see if they can redraw my tattoo that I want and how much it would cost to have it done. If it's $40 or under then Becca and I will be going there Friday to get the tattoos done that we want. That should be the ultimate bond, cousins going through that much pain together. Heehee =o) Becca is truly becoming one of my best friends and I'm really happy about that especially since I only have one other true best friend and that's Autumn.

Well I'm probably going to finish organizing what MP3s I have and then maybe watching the rest of the QAF episodes for this season that I have so far.

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